Baptist Mens Fellowship
From Laymen's Movement in 1940's to Men's Fellowship in 1995
Baptists have been having a Laymen’s Movement in the 1940’s and, during that time it is recorded that the Church representatives had participated at the meetings. As most of the young men preferred to be in the Young Peoples Auxiliary, than join the Laymen’s Movement, it gradually faded away by the 1950s.
At the August SLBS Sessions in 1995 Nihal Perera, Solomon Ranasinghe and Clarence Mendis gathered the Baptist Men together and after a formal meeting they formed the Men's Fellowship (BMF) and the first committee elected.
The Dedication Service was held on Sunday 19th November 1995 at the Gonawela Baptist Church. On 2nd September 1996 the New Constitution was accepted.
On 14th January 1997 a Seminar was held so that the men would know why they are Baptists and what they really stand for.
(Note :- Text extracted from ' History of Baptist Churches & The Auxiliaries Book')
In 2003 BMF re-established the Baptist messenger which was first published in 1894 but suspended for about three decades. You can download it here
Currently there is a Men's Fellowship in each and every Baptist Church across Sri Lanka. Events & activities such as Monthly and Weekly Prayer Groups, Fund raising activities, Special Easter programmes, A residential Camp for spiritual growth, Leadership Training Programs, Monthly Group Bible Study and A special Mens Sunday service are held regularly.

Annual Residential Camp

A Bible Study programme

25th Anniversary of Kandy Men's Fellowship

Men's Retreat At Moratuwa Church

House Prayer meeting with Retired Pastor