Photo Gallery - P1
Ampegama Mission Point

1. Coir Weaving project

2. Kids Annual Concert

3. Opening the Library
Agalawatta Church

1. 1st Communion after Baptism

2. Sunday School workshop

3. New Year Games
Ambagasthanna Church

1. 40th Anniversary

2. Baptism Service

3. Ambasagtahanna Church
Achchuvweli Mission Point

1. Christmas Gifts

2. An Openair Meeting Christmas time

3. The Sunday School kids with Parents
Bagatahle (Colpity) Church

1. The Church Group

2. New Year Games

3.Sunday Service
Beligodapitiya Church

1. Church during Christmas

2. Sunday Service

3. Church Group
Biyanwila (Kadawatha) Church

1. Church building expansion

2. 187th Anniversary

3.A house for retired pastors
Chavakachcheri Church

1. One Day Sunday School Camp

2. Easter Sunday Service

3.An Eye Camp on Independence day
Cinnamon Gardens Church

1. Main entrance of the CGBC

2. A Training Program at CGBC

3.Sunday School Group -Year unknown
Dehiathakandiya Mission Point

1. A Sunday Service

