First Chinese Baptist Church - Sri Lanka


The first Chinese Baptist Church in Sri Lanka commenced on 1st February 2015 by the guidance given by the SLBS . The first Chinese Missionary and the Pastor of the church was Rev. Yon Zhonxian.
Rev. Janet Tam Wai Yee of 'China Evangelistic Mission Ltd' arrived in Sri Lanka on July 24th 2018 to join Rev. Yon to work as 2nd Missionary

Extracted from the Book : History of Baptist Churches & Auxiliaries

The First Chinese Baptist Church provides a place of worship and community for the Chinese-speaking population in Colombo.

斯里兰卡是佛教国家,也有其他宗教。立国以来,有不少华人定居和工作,却 一直未有基督教华人教会。近年因着斯里兰卡成「一带一路」其中一个站,华 人愈来愈多。神奇妙地引导宣教士谭慧仪牧师在2015年1月19日首次踏足斯里 兰卡,并认识几位来自韩国和中国的华人教会领袖包括来自中国渖阳的杨忠贤 牧师。当时他们正筹划在可伦坡建立第一间华人教会。 2015年2月1日主日,斯 里兰卡第一华人教会在当地浸联会的支持下在成立,使用浸联会总部礼堂,开 始第一次主日崇拜。 2017年底,主打开福音之门,經中华福音使命团差派及斯里兰卡浸联会接纳,谭牧师 于2018年7月24日踏入斯里兰卡工场,与杨牧师同工建立华人教会。欢迎大家与我们一同敬拜创天造地的上帝,一同唱诗赞美神,一同祷告 经历主,共享美好团契。

Visit to a Local Baptist Church

Visit to a Local Baptist Church

celebrating Chinese new year in Sri Lanka

Celebrating Chinese new year

Meeting kids at local church

Meeting kids at local church

Praising during Sunday Service

Praise & Worship Service

At SLBC office - first chinese baptist church

At SLBC office

Visit to Ratnapura Baptist Church

Visit to Ratnapura Baptist Church